Our Services

Sacred Sound Styles

Portal To The Divine Menu Of Services

Tuning Forks

Frequencies: All The Solfeggio & DNA Scales Grounding, Crystal, 528 H., Sonic Slider, 256 CH., 384 GH.,
96 GH., C 64

Pyramid Shaped Power Crystals

Assorted sizes: 6”, 10”, 12” and 16” transporting and aligning with your highest self (Group or Individual)

Merkaba Geometric Shaped Crystal

Connects your heart chakra with your highest intentions (crown) (Group or Individual)

Gong Realignments

26” diameter (Group or Individual). Created By Grotto Sonora in a cave in Italy.

Standing Full Moon Bowl

Step inside the bowl and connect with your light body (Individual)

Dolphin Bowl

7” diameter, add water and listen to the dolphins sing your song where you float on waves into the ocean(Group or Individual)

Step In Or Use The Sitting or Standing Bowl

48” diameter (created in a cave by Grotto Sonora located in Italy)

Grotto Sonora Leaf Cello

Monochord, close your eyes and feel energy generating, playing in and up your spine, raising the kundalini. (Created in a cave in Italy) (Individual or Group)

The Celestial Therapy Harp

Transports Us To The Heavenly Realms Where Angels The Sing Lullabies Certified Therapy Harp Practitioner (Individual preferred)

Shamanic Drumming

Everyone can bring a drum or make one, on-site. Options are two Remo Ocean Drums and/or two handmade Shamanic animal hide drums created with Walking Crow. Animals are all ethically farm-raised and ceremonially harvested. (Individual or Group) Also, a custom Shamanic Drum-making class is available for groups of 4-10.

Ocean Drum

Ride the sea waves crash against the shore and go out and return again.


Harmonium Bhakti Yoga Call & Response Chanting Mantras For Divine Mother (Groups)

Planetary Gong: 28” Jupiter

Professionally tuned to the sound frequency F# 183.58 Hz recorded by NASA.

Planetary Gong: 32” Chiron

Professionally tuned to the sound frequency D# 151.27 Hz recorded by NASA.

Wind Gong: 32"
Heart Chakra Gong: 16"