Welcome To Portal To The Divine

Enter To Optimal Healing
Rewire Your Brain
Open To Your Heart's Circuit Of Give & Take
Tune The Physical Body Like An Musical Instrument By Using Sacred Geometry & Sound With Your Voice

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.

Nikola Tesla

Are you experiencing any of these symptoms?

If yes, you might be experiencing a need to go deeper into refining your frequency.

sacred sound

Use Sacred Sound Therapy to Achieve








We are compassionate about your growth. 

The first step to any change is admitting that everything except your attitude is beyond our control. 

Once you let go, you then reach the entrance to the portal where everything is seen as sacred.

Portal To The Divine  will guide you  to and through opening of the inner door of your heart, to enter into experiencing new inner worlds.

A Way Out Is Through Sound

Miracles occur through tapping into the  frequency of our light within, also known as ‘the portal to the divine’. 

Mantras are the passwords to the portal, transforming the mundane into the sacred. Kriyas (breathing exercises) are keys to unlocking the portal.