What Is Portal To The Divine?
My name is Liz London, & at Portal To The Divine (PTTD), I believe that our voice (sound) and breath (prana) are our sacred birthrights, connecting us to our personal power.
Welcome to Portal to the Divine (PTTD), a sanctuary for those seeking to unlock their inner power and connect with the profound energies that shape our existence. At PTTD, we believe that the journey to self-realization and spiritual awakening is deeply intertwined with the ancient wisdom of sound, light, and vibrational technologies. These powerful tools resonate with the very fabric of our being, reaching into the multi-dimensional levels of our existence and mirroring the sacred geometric patterns that underlie the universe.
Through the use of these transformative frequencies, we enable a profound connection between your internal and external worlds. These sacred designs, embedded within our cellular structures and the elemental foundations of the cosmos, transcend time and space, offering you a pathway to deeper understanding and spiritual alignment. At PTTD, we invite you to explore these portals of light and sound, to harmonize with the universe, and to awaken the divine potential within.
As Above, So Below
In this world, two fundamental principles coexist in opposition: feminine and masculine, Shiva/Shakti, yin and yang, Ida and Pingala. These forces converge within the spine at the 'Shushumna,' the central channel of energy.
At Portal to the Divine (PTTD), our practice is dedicated to uniting these opposing energies, harmonizing them, and cultivating a state of 'flow.' By harnessing the power of frequencies—whether through advanced technology, humming, toning, or chanting mantras with sound instruments—we fine-tune the energy centers within our bodies, known as chakras.
These chakras are deeply connected to the elements and intricately linked with our endocrine system, guiding us toward balance and vitality on both a physical and spiritual level.
Through the use of these transformative frequencies, we enable a profound connection between your internal and external worlds. These sacred designs, embedded within our cellular structures and the elemental foundations of the cosmos, transcend time and space, offering you a pathway to deeper understanding and spiritual alignment.
At PTTD, we invite you to explore these portals of light and sound, to harmonize with the universe, and to awaken the divine potential within.
Chakras & the Endocrine System
- Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) & Pineal Gland
- Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) & Pituitary Gland
- Throat Chakra (Vishuddi) & Thyroid Gland
- Heart Chakra (Anahata) & Thymus Gland
- Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) & Pancreas Gland
- Sacral Chakra (Swadisthana) & Reproductive Glands
- Root Chakra (Muladhara) & Adrenal Glands